BlogsphereとPosner [ June 07, 2005 ]
Blogging, Spam, and the Taxation of Internet Transactions-Posner
We are not shutting off debate, and this for three reasons. First, a failure to respond to a criticism may end a debate in the sense of leaving nothing more to be said, but it does not "stifle" debate or silence the critic--on the contrary, it leaves the critic with the last word. Second, the comments are public--they are accessible to readers of the blog, at no cost, with a click. We "enable" (as the blogging expression has it) all comments; we engage in no censorship. Someone who reads a comment critical of a posting of mine or Becker's and observes that we have not responded to it will be more inclined to agree with the critic than if we did respond.
And third, and most important, bloggers have no "market power" that might enable them to limit debate. Not only are there 10 million blogs, but because it is costless (except for opportunity costs of time--though these can of course be significant and are one reason why Becker and I do not respond to all the comments on our postings) to create or post to a blog, and as any posting is diffused throughout the "blogosphere" essentially instantaneously, there is no way in which inaccuracies in a blog can be insulated from prompt correction. There is nothing to prevent the commenter fronm creating his own "anti-Becker-Posner" blog devoted to correcting our mistakes and omissions!
特に一つ目の理由で"last word"を批判者側に与えているんだから、ありがたく思えというこの開き直りも、他ならぬPosnerが言うと、確かに「ありがたい」と感じてしまうわけです(爆)。
Posted by 47th : | 09:55 AM
このブログ,僕も開設時からほぼ欠かさず読んでますが,読んでいて思うのは,「やっぱPosnerだよね」:-) だいたい共感を覚えるのはBeckerの方です。Beckerの方が素直なEconの発想をする。
Workshopで何度か本人と一緒になったことありますが,どうもね... 息子さんのEricは大ファンなのですが,Dickの方はいまいち。
Posted by もりた%来週はよろしくお願いします : June 7, 2005 10:21 AM
Posted by 47th : June 8, 2005 10:16 AM