U.S. Inquiry on Online Music (New York Times)
Justice Department officials have begun serving subpoenas on the four major music corporations as part of a broad inquiry that is expected to encompass pricing and licensing policies, according to music executives who spoke on condition of anonymity....
The prices for songs from the major companies can run from 70 cents to 80 cents a song, executives say. Digital music services such as Apple Computer's iTunes then sell the songs for a retail price of 99 cents.
まあ、音楽業界は反トラスト法とはなじみが深い業界ですから、いくら何でもdistribution company同士がダイレクトに通謀しているという証拠が出てくると期待するのは甘すぎるので、頭にあるのは、(A)黙示の共謀(tacit collusion)か、(B)川下のデジタル音楽配信業者、特にアップルをハブとしたハブ&スポークによる共謀といったところでしょうか?